Saturday, May 8, 2010

Murder Setting

If i were Writing a murder mystery I would go with the Joker-style murder where you take a bunch of serious members of society, like politicians, and have the killer murder them in a twisted kind of comical way...

I still cant find anything about murders at the circus but I'd rip off ATTWN by sending people invitations to a free circus and then when only 20 or so EVIL people show...and start finding each other in a lions mouth or hanging dead from a trapeze, they might get a little scared. but that doesn't matter because they will quickly find out there is no way to escape the tent of doom.

Then when the last person is left, the psycho killer will confront the last person and show them the way out, then tell him to walk out very slowly and if he runs he will die (once again a rip from that Greek myth where the dude looks back and like looses his woman) then when he is two feet from freedom he will run out...but nothing will happen, he will just shrug his shoulders and walk on... but what he doesn't know, is that as soon as he walks out of the tent all he will see is desert. No civilization. therefore dieing alone. THE END

Although I can tell you right now that fifty years later some idiot will make a movie where the last guy tricks the killer into killing himself, then he will go hug a lion and they will get married after the drunk in the boat comes to pick them up....(ATTWN)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

april 29 chapter 15 and 16 and the last part

So the big boy did it... Darn Judge
I liked it better when he was dead...but my guess was so close. Vera came in 2nd... she should have shot the judge when she had the revolver, but in her drunken state she went and killed herself, not even her athletic fingers could save her!!!
The judge is very smart, i'll give him that... but I don't believe that killing everyone would be justice like the judge thought.
I also just want to say ... I HATE HUGO!!!!! what an idiot, I bet Hugo didn't even like her, he probably swings the bat both ways...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April 28 Chapter 11, 12

5 people left, the judge is next.... umm the Butler died a brutal death, >>>
and the old lady got off easy.
I think its Vera because she is a psycho maniac that has athletic fingers.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

April 22 2010 chpt. 5 and 6

Now there are only 8 guys left... R.I.P. : dude in cool car and the butlers wife (ms. rogers) I didnt really care for Speed Racer... but now that Ms. Rogers is dead who will take care of the puppets??? (hahaha Pre-School joke)

UNFORTUNANTLY the fat judge is still alive, but i believe that won't hold true for long... but if that was'nt bad enough the judgemental old lady is living too. I hope they dont run out of food and resort to canabalism or else we ALL know that the judge will be the last one living.

I'm starting to like the general though... his white moustache seem less murdurous... If i was in his place I'd get all the food and lock myself in a room till i dont hear anything...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 21 2010 Chpt. 3

Today we read Chapter 3!!!! Yea!!! ..... it was kool, especialy that part where it was like UNowen, which is kinda a stretch but what ever. Ummm.... From what i got the judge did it because fat judges with crazy coughs usualy are killers...(just kidding)... but he seems very guilty because he is very nosy to everyone but himself. Although he is suspicious I know he didn't do it.
(is that a guilty face?) -------------------------------->
That stuck-up lady... later to be discovered as Emily Brent... is Evil and should E.I.D. backwards. I know she is not guilty either.
I can't remember the name of the dude with the tiny white moustache but that dosent make you seem innocent...